Auckland has a safe and stable economy where it’s easy to do business and is an established test market for new technology. Since the first electronic payment trials of the 1980s, New Zealand has been recognised as a country of early adopters, with one of the highest internet usage rates in the world. We also have time zone advantages when working with the rest of the world and are the gateway to Asia-Pacific. We have a global oriented approach with strong international connectivity.

New Zealand ranks #1 in the world for ease of doing business (World Bank) and is ranked 1st for its regulatory environment and 6th in ICT infrastructure.

We are safe and stable both economically and politically. Our deregulated, decentralised economy has simple structures across business, legal, regulatory and tax policies, leading to consistent rates of economic growth, tax, innovation and property incentives.

Auckland is home to 500 health technology companies, employing more than 7000 people working together to improve health and wellness.

Outward looking, with global reach and impact – technology is Auckland’s second biggest export. 83 per cent of Auckland’s top tech companies’ revenue stems from outside New Zealand.

Asia-Pacific is home to 59 per cent of the world’s population and the revenue growth for our top tech companies in the Asian market has averaged 11 per cent per annum (2018 – 2023).

With its highly diverse and progressive population Auckland is often used as an ideal test-to-scale market for all kinds of technology from search to social media, apps, gaming and medtech.

Auckland is at the forefront of New Zealand’s fintech sector and home to 67 per cent of New Zealand’s fintech companies. Revenue in this sector has grown 24 per cent per annum from 2017 - 2022.