The Southern Auckland Economic Masterplan is a 30-year plan for Drury-Opāheke and the surrounding areas – a vision for how this emerging sub-region’s development will contribute to local and regional jobs and prosperity.

Over the next 30 years, the anticipated development of Drury-Opāheke and the surrounding areas in southern Auckland represents a significant opportunity for our region’s economy. It will be the largest development of its kind in Aotearoa New Zealand and provide a onetime opportunity to align southern Auckland’s economic and spatial planning to ensure better outcomes for future generations.

As the region’s economic and cultural agency, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited has worked with iwi, local and central government, and the private sector to create the Southern Auckland Economic Masterplan. The plan is an optimised mix of economic and spatial planning, focussing on the creation of a new job eco-system, so that people can live, work and thrive in the area. It takes a place-based economic development approach, and it is intended this replicable model will help Tāmaki Makaurau unlock and regenerate other areas across the region.

Download the Southern Auckland Economic Masterplan

Next steps

The Southern Auckland Economic Masterplan is intended to guide iwi, local and central government, and the private sector in the development of Drury-Opaheke and the surrounding areas.

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited will continue to play a convener role, connecting and supporting stakeholders to help to foster economic vitality in this emerging sub-region.

Tātaki Auckland Unlimited actions from the Southern Auckland Economic Masterplan include:

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Ongoing development

Continue to convene the Southern Corridor Steering Group and refresh the Southern Auckland Economic Masterplan as new information becomes available.


Work with public and private landowners to develop partnership models to support implementation of the plan.

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Policy guidance

Work with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to influence policy for business attraction into the area.

Business attraction

Work with private sector partners to attract targeted industries and businesses into the area.

Place-based economic development ensures specific areas can attract and retain businesses, attract investment, enable quality jobs for the people who live and work in that area, and improve the physical and social environment.