Keep up to date on our dynamic economy with the latest market insights, legislation and Auckland success stories.

Regulating New Zealand’s financial framework
Q&A with Binu Paul of the FMA on how Auckland’s regulatory framework is designed to support investors in financial technology (fintech).
Bottle being filled on conveyor belt
Investment in the shift from ‘volume’ to ‘value’ in New Zealand’s food and beverage sector is the key to continued export success.
Arepa employee boxing up drinks
With prime raw materials, R&D assistance and world-class talent on hand, Auckland is the natural home for a thriving nutraceutical industry.
Young people gaming
Investment is seen as key to success for Auckland’s buoyant video games industry, which has seen record growth lately.
La Trobe University Sports park
Warren and Mahoney’s sustainability lead Fiona Short points to the future of sustainable, low-carbon design in the construction industry.
Supermarket shake-up spells optimism for Auckland
July draft report from Commerce Commission finds supermarket sector stifled by duopoly; final report is likely to call for government action.