Attracting and employing international talent can bring new expertise, fresh views and ideas, and a diverse range of experience.

Hiring skilled offshore talent, including students from overseas, can be far more than a gap-filling exercise in times of labour and skill shortages – they can help develop other staff and improve business productivity.

If you’re thinking about living and working in Auckland, find out more here.

Attracting international talent

Auckland is competing for skilled talent against other growing international cities all around the world. Skilled talent can bring global perspectives and new skills and knowledge into a workplace. Many of these employees can also assist in a multi-lingual workplace, making them particularly valuable to companies that conduct overseas business. 

To help businesses attract skilled talent, Tātaki Auckland Unlimited has created a Talent Attraction Toolkit for promoting Auckland as a place to live and work.

The toolkit includes:

  • key messages to market Auckland
  • statistics about Auckland
  • fact sheets about our key sectors
  • case studies
  • photography
  • a guide to Auckland.

Other useful resources

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New Zealand Now

Find useful and reliable information about living and working in New Zealand, including employment rights and workplace support.
Learn more

Immigration New Zealand

Get information on recruiting highly skilled and experienced talent from offshore, or international students.
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Find tools and tips to help you hire staff and create legally safe employment agreements.
Learn more

Employing international students

Auckland is home to some 80,000 international students each year – the largest number of international students in New Zealand – so it makes sense to make the most of this talent pool to support business growth.

Employers hire international students because:

  • they are motivated with a strong work ethic 
  • they could be the best candidate for the job
  • they can bring a more global perspective
  • they bring diversity to the workplace 
  • they can assist in a multi-lingual workplace
  • they have new skills
  • recent graduates from New Zealand tertiary institutions are familiar with the New Zealand way of life.

Before offering an international student a job, employers need to check that the conditions of the student’s visa allow them to work.

Confirming a student’s visa status is quick and easy using Immigration New Zealand’s free online VisaView tool. To find out more about employing international students, visit Immigration New Zealand.


Other useful resources

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Working on a student visa

Part of Immigration New Zealand, this information covers the rules of hiring international students according to the type and duration of their studies.
Learn more

Tools and tips for hiring staff and creating legally safe employment agreements.
Learn more

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