Auckland is the powerhouse of New Zealand’s economy, home to a variety of progressive industries and generating nearly 40 per cent of the country’s GDP.

A look at the Auckland economy


Access the latest Auckland economic data through this interactive and visual dashboard. Updated quarterly, the Auckland Index collates up-to-date facts and figures from 20+ official sources and allows you to easily personalise, share and download data as required.

Discover Auckland’s focus sectors

As a service and innovation-oriented economy, Auckland has developed a core of specialist manufacturing industries and a talented, globally-focused service sector. Together they drive growth and create employment in Auckland.

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Circular Economy

The circular economy designs out waste and pollution, keeps products and materials in use and regenerates natural systems. Transition to a circular economy requires fundamental redesign of existing systems, innovation and incorporation of new technology and smart materials.

Food and Beverage

Food and beverage manufacturing in Auckland is the largest manufacturing cluster in New Zealand, with a mix of multinationals, large and small firms and a well-developed ecosystem. The industry is known for its meat, wine and dairy products, as well as functional foods, nutraceuticals and bioactives research.

Screen and Creative

Auckland is a hub for New Zealand’s film industry. With an international reputation as an excellent filming destination that offers a top quality, cost-effective and  conducive environment for screen production and post-production. Screen has become one of Auckland’s top industries.

Read the latest research and reports

A curated repository of reports and publications to provide you with an in-depth look at the economy and sector trends in Auckland.