Calling performers keen to take part 

The search is on for performers keen to take part in Auckland’s iconic Pasifika Festival in 2019.

Festival organisers want to hear from performers and performance groups of all ages and Pacific backgrounds; from individuals, small and large groups; presenting music, dance and/or cultural ceremonies, who perform in traditional or contemporary style or a fusion of both.

The 27th Pasifika Festival takes place in Western Springs Park on Saturday, 23 and Sunday, 24 March 2019. Performances will take part in village performance spaces or on the festival stage. 

Festival producer Torise Flay says the open call for performers is a change for the event. 

“With the support of our communities, we moved the festival later in March in 2017, to encourage greater involvement from school performance groups. We’re also in discussions about new elements for the festival, like having NZ Strongman create our own Pacific strongman and strongwoman strength, stamina and endurance events on the festival stage.”

“Now we’re making an open call for performers, to cast the net wide and welcome Pacific performers who may not have been involved before, along with regular festival favourites.

“Performers have traditionally been sourced via well-established community networks, and we have an amazing performer alumni of hundreds of groups and individuals who return every year. 

“Pass the word on – we’re keen to hear from you if you are interested in performing at Pasifika, whether you’re a regular festival act or you’ve never taken part.”

Register your interest by Friday, 2 November, and all performers will be notified by 30 November 2018. 

Shortlisted performers (or representatives of performance group) will need to attend a performers’ workshop between 12 – 18 November 2018.

The 2019 Pasifika Festival will be delivered by Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) on behalf of Auckland Council, in conjunction with the Pasifika Festival Villages Trust.

Pasifika attracts between 40-60,000 people a year, depending on weather, in a celebration and showcase for the Pacific communities of Auckland, the largest city in Polynesia.

Chris Gregory
ATEED Media Manager
Contact Chris