Auckland’s thriving creative technology sector has a new place to hang at Click Creative Tech Studios

Launched in December 2020, Click Studios is a creative co-working space that is home to creative tech entrepreneurs, artists, game developers, programmers, filmmakers and more. It is located alongside the Unitec Institute of Technology campus in Mt Albert, providing facilities and support to a diverse mix of startup and scale-up creative technology businesses.

The creative technology sector includes businesses involved in the creation, production, and export/distribution of creative technology content, software, and hardware. It encompasses services and hardware across high tech, film, television, gaming and online products, and the wide range of support businesses that produce services alongside creative technology.

Collaboration is at the heart of Click Creative Tech Studios.

Like all good partnerships where things ‘just click’, the hub came to life when long-time sector champions Aliesha Staples, Staples VR and Rohan Adarkar, Totally Different, formed Creative Coworking Limited and approached Tātaki Auckland Unlimited about replacing the AR/VR Garage, a former collaborative creative technology space facilitated by then ATEED.

“Aliesha and I saw the need to create a space where Auckland’s creative tech community could connect, innovate, collaborate, learn and develop new ideas. The beauty of Click is that it was designed by industry for industry, with a focus on collaboration and export, meaning it is well-positioned to meet the sector’s needs,” says Rohan.

Since opening, Click Studios has reached full occupancy and is now home to 18 businesses including: Women in Film and Television, which champions equity in filmmaking; Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi, Auckland’s arts regional trust; Augview, providing an augmented reality mobile GIS that displays asset data on Android and Apple iOS devices; and Decoded Health, which is on a mission to revolutionise healthcare.

Click Studios has been so well received, a second building is soon to be opened at Harbourside Business Park on Rosebank Road, less than a 10-minute drive from the first building. Providing space for 60 more people, Aliesha Staples says Click’s rapidly growing community is a testament to the benefits of collaboration.

Together, with Tātaki Auckland Unlimited we’ve created an environment for businesses to start and grow, with access to the latest technology, meet-up spaces, offices, meeting rooms, hot desks and an extensive events calendar that provides the opportunity for people to connect and learn.

Click Studios is home to inspiring creative tech events.

Click Studios works to extend the reach and impact of the GridAKL innovation network into Auckland’s west, with existing hubs at GridAKL Lysaght and GridAKL Madden Street located in the central city’s Wynyard Quarter and GridMNK in Auckland’s south.

GM Economic Development Pam Ford says the creative technology sector plays an important role in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, driving innovation and economic development.

“Creative technology is vitally important to our region and its people. It sees the convergence of two priority sectors for the region – creative and technology – which Click Studios directly enables the growth of, creating highly skilled job opportunities for Aucklanders and embedding innovation in our DNA,” says Pam.

“Click Studios will also play a key role in the region’s recovery from COVID-19, as it seeks to not only rebuild but seize an opportunity to maximise Auckland’s position as a region where innovation can thrive.”

Follow Click Creative Tech Studios on Facebook or check out its events and community page to keep up with the latest news and attend a range of inspiring creative tech gatherings.